7 events found.
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Yoga Retreat With Laurie Van Cott
Come explore what awakening means for each of us, and how to access healing and growth through yoga, the chakras, meditation, food, and self-reflection!
Spring 2024 Gorge Yoga Wellness Retreat
The theme for 2024 isAWAKENING! Come explore what awakening means [...]
Metta Retreat
Metta Retreat
We will study the Metta Sutra, learn the metta practice, and deal with anger towards others.
Mahayana Thiền (Zen) Meditation Service
Mahayana Thiền (Zen) Meditation Service
Four different teachers will rotate talks with a Dharma talk, [...]
Mahayana Thiền (Zen) Meditation Service
Mahayana Thiền (Zen) Meditation Service
Four different teachers will rotate talks with a Dharma talk, [...]
Mahayana Thiền (Zen) Meditation Service
Mahayana Thiền (Zen) Meditation Service
Four different teachers will rotate talks with a Dharma talk, [...]
Mahayana Thiền (Zen) Meditation Service
Mahayana Thiền (Zen) Meditation Service
Four different teachers will rotate talks with a Dharma talk, [...]
Mahayana Thiền (Zen) Meditation Service
Mahayana Thiền (Zen) Meditation Service
Four different teachers will rotate talks with a Dharma talk, [...]
Sat. a.m. Meditation & Dharma Talk (Zoom and In Person)
Sat. a.m. Meditation & Dharma Talk (Zoom and In Person)
Four different teachers will rotate talks with a Dharma talk, [...]