We will celebrate the Winter Solstice, the Feast of the Return of the Sun, at the White Mountain Druid Sanctuary at Trout Lake Abbey. This will be a Welsh Celebration of the God Lleu Llaw Gyffes and the God Gwydion. Bydded felly!
The Winter Solstice is the time of the shortest day and longest night of the year. The sun is at its weakest and darkness pervades the world. But it is also the time that the sun begins its return to strength, growing brighter and more powerful until it reaches its apex at the Summer Solstice in June.
We will also honor the God Lleu Llaw Gyffes, who was wounded and then transformed into an eagle, only to perch dying at the top of an oak tree. There his uncle, the magical God Gwydion, found Him and healed Him.
Appropriate offerings for Lleu and Gwydion include pork or other food, beer, whiskey, etc. As always, praise offerings of song, poetry, dance, etc. are always welcome.
We will hold this rite in the Sanctuary, which is heated.
There will be a potluck following the ritual, held in the main house.
For lodging accommodations, please contact our office: 509.395.2030/business@tlabbey.com