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A Mindfulness and Creative Expression Retreat

“You have to know how to cultivate your inner artist, meditator, and warrior…” Thich Nhat Hanh


Update 10/10: Stoller and Bunk Rooms still available 

We will gather together as a sangha in our Plum Village tradition to live into Thay’s teachings from Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet to nourish our calmness, freshness, and clarity.  He calls on the patient and persevering Ksitigarbha, the Bodhisattva of deep aspiration, to support us in this time of great suffering and confusion, with the invitation to cultivate the wise archetypes of the artist, meditator and warrior.

Our retreat center, Trout Lake Abbey, offers us a safe and embracing space to tend to the body, open the heart, and feed the spirit.  We will have periods of silence, sitting, walking, circling the labyrinth, embodied movement to develop resiliency, a guided creative art and writing process (SoulCollage®) and dharma sharing.  We are blessed to have a fabulous cook, who with our help, will provide yummy food for mindful eating.

This event is sponsored by the Oregon MROIS Sangha and is open to all practitioners.

DATES:  Thursday, October 19 through Sunday, October 22, 2023

TIMES:  Starting on Thursday @ 5 pm and ending on Sunday @ 12 noon

PLACE:  Trout Lake Abbey, Trout Lake, Washington

COST: $425 includes food and basic lodging, B&B lodging available- see registration form

ORGANIZATION: Issaquah Tiger Mountain Sangha

TEACHER: Alexa Singer-Telles


CONTACT NUMBER: (541)654-3482

EMAIL: lucykingsley42@gmail.com

Facilitated by:  Dharma Teacher Alexa Singer-Telles, True Silent Action.  Alexa is a long time Plum Village practitioner, a licensed psychotherapist, an expressive artist and lover of poetry.  Her joy is to offer creative, experiential mindfulness practices to bring the beauty of spirit into form.

REGISTRATION:  To register, please email Lucy Kingsley (lucykingsley42@gmail.com) For questions, email Lucy or call her at (541) 654-3482.    This retreat will be given on a dana basis for the teachings, the Abbey, and scholarships. Scholarships are available.

COST: $425

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