Thich Nhat Hanh Study Group Meeting
Mt. Adams Buddhist Temple 46 Stoller Rd, Trout Lake, WA, United StatesThich Nhat Hanh Study Group Meetings are 2nd and 4th Wednesday, [...]
Thich Nhat Hanh Study Group Meetings are 2nd and 4th Wednesday, [...]
Four different teachers will rotate talks with a Dharma talk, [...]
Four different teachers will rotate talks with a Dharma talk, [...]
Four different teachers will rotate talks with a Dharma talk, [...]
Ring in the new year with us- literally! We will ring the bell 108 times to finish the old year and welcome the new one. Each ring represents one of 108 earthly temptations a person must overcome to achieve awakening.
Four different teachers will rotate talks with a Dharma talk, [...]
Four different teachers will rotate talks with a Dharma talk, [...]
Four different teachers will rotate talks with a Dharma talk, [...]
Four different teachers will rotate talks with a Dharma talk, [...]
Four different teachers will rotate talks with a Dharma talk, [...]